česká verze (czech version)
Why it is so hard for me to find her?
- I have really high requirements
- 🚭 No smoking, or any other drugs. 🚭
- Alkohol (including beer) also indicate to me, that she is probably not the right one.
- No loans (with maybe one exception for a house 🏠).
- I hate lying.
- I do not like vulgar language.
- I do not listen to any music. 🎶 (with exception of background in games and films.)
- I am relatively high (191 cm).
- I would want childs.
- I am honest, sometimes maybe even too honest.
- You can say I am perfecionist for some things, while totaly ignoring other things.
- I am 31 years old.
- I am shy introvert, so I would not start an conversation with a stanger on the street.
And it is statistically very unlikely she would met my high standards anyway.
Photo is not what I look for, so online dating apps that prioritize photos are likely to help me find someone.
What do I like?
- Programing.
- PC Games.
- Films and TV series.
- I have no one to play board games with.
- On any outside games/sports, in my opinion, it is more important who else is there, than what exactly it is.
What would I probably like to do with a girlfriend?
- Talking.
- Walking trough nature. (I am not scared of hills either.) Or cities, historical monuments. (Maybe even trough mall centers, but can not promisse that in advance.)
- Biking.
- Probably rock climbing. (I am not 100% sure, but at school it was the most interesting non technical thing, but we did have only small wall in the gym.)
Message me on Discord "kubik", or email "date.jakub@sm.bandola.cz" and we can meet in person in Ostrava (Czech Republic).