česká verze (czech version)

Jakub Bandola

Linkedin: linkedin.com/in/jakub-bandola

Discord: kubik

I like to program in variety of programing languages like C#, Rust, F#, C/C++, LabView.

I do not do any of the weird type-less programing languages like JavaScript, PHP, Python ... !


Software Engineer for Skylords Reborn (Unpaid / Volunteer)

Febuary 2018 - Now.
Reverse engineering the game, creating servers from scratch, and adding new features to the game.
IDA PRO, Rust, C++, C#, ASM, ..
The fact that reversing a game is nowhere near as hard as I think is just mind blowing.

Public repositories, where I am main, or the only contributor
Skylords Reborn Bot API Rust
Skylords Reborn Bot API C-Sharp (and F#)
Skylords Reborn Bot API C++
Personal related project
Work in progress map editor for BattleForge
Software Developer pro Barclays

September 2021 - Now
I write in F# internal bank software.
I also wrote Rust for F# developers. Available here. And it superceeds: Comparison of F# and Rust for F# developers. Available here (warning it favors F# a bit).

Vývojář IT software for Quadient

March 2020 - August 2021
C# backend for web application, small WPF app/tool for internal use, networking, AKS deployment, Azure technologies.
My biggest achievement in Quadient was that I managed to deploy set of applications that converted word documents to PDF, even though Microsoft said, that there is no way to do so.

IT Software Develope for Tieto

September 2017 - Febuary 2020
C# WPF was the main technology stack I was working on there.
We also partly work on C++ from 1980's, and I found out that dis-assembly can be more readable, than original C++ code.

Výzkumně vývojový pracovník for EPEM / Light Drop

March 2014 - July 2017
Embeded C/C++, C#, LabView developing hanheld spectro foto meter, using and embeded MCU with 1 MB of flash, and companion SW for Windows and Linux, x86 based PCs and tablets.
This company does not deserve to be publicaly listed, because they did not even pay what was on the contract!